February 28, 2024

  • ⏱ 10:00 AM CST
  • ⏱ 4:00 PM BST


  • Graham Hoffman Managing Director at BuddyBoss
  • Wes Tatters Managing Director at Rapyd

Transform your BuddyBoss site and app from sluggish to lightning-fast, ensuring your community enjoys the premium, instant experience they deserve.

Register for Webinar

Webinar Agenda

Unlock BuddyBoss’s Full Potential: A Deep Dive into Performance Optimization

Optimize Your BuddyBoss Site for Maximum Performance

Discover the key strategies to enhance your BuddyBoss site and app’s speed and efficiency. We’ll dive into the essential elements that impact performance and share actionable tips for immediate improvements.

Performance Testing: Know Your Site’s Limits

Learn how to evaluate your current hosting setup using third-party tools. Understand your site’s capacity for handling traffic spikes and the critical factors for boosting performance. Plus, see how top WordPress managed hosting providers stack up in our comprehensive tests.

Elevating Performance with Rapyd

Explore how Rapyd’s ultra-optimized hosting environment and user-friendly interface can drastically improve your BuddyBoss site & app’s speed & performance, even if you’re not tech-savvy. 

Interactive Q&A Session

Got questions? We’ve got answers! Our Q&A session is your opportunity to ask us anything about enhancing your site’s performance, testing methodologies, or Rapyd’s unique features.

Your Webinar Hosts

Register for our free webinar led by BuddyBoss Managing Director Graham Hoffman and Rapyd Managing Director Wes Tatters.

Graham Hoffman

Managing Director at BuddyBoss

Wes Tatters

Managing Director at Rapyd


What will I learn?

Discover how to supercharge your BuddyBoss site or any dynamic WordPress site for peak performance, including optimization hacks, performance testing, and leveraging Rapyd for unmatched speed and reliability.

Who should attend?

This webinar is perfect for BuddyBoss site owners and anyone interested in optimizing dynamic WordPress sites for better performance.

How do I register?

Simply enter your name and email to register. A confirmation email with the webinar link will follow.

Is there a fee?

Attendance is completely free.

Will there be a recording?

Yes, a recording will be available two weeks post-webinar, accessible via email to all registrants.

Can I ask questions?

Absolutely! A live Q&A session will allow you to submit your questions.

Technical requirements?

We’re using Zoom Webinar. Just click the provided link and follow the steps to join live.

Who are the presenters?

Wes Tatters, Rapyd’s Managing Director, and Graham, BuddyBoss’s Managing Director, will share their extensive expertise in tech and infrastructure.


The webinar lasts 40 minutes, with an additional 15 minutes for Q&A.

Will I receive a certificate?

No certificates will be provided for this webinar.

Attend the online webinar

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