About Tom Cheddadi

CEO & Co-founder at BuddyBoss & AppBoss

Our response to the spread of COVID-19

In the current situation, our first priority is the health and wellbeing of our staff and our ability to ensure continued support to our customers and partners. This is a time that for many is filled with a lot of uncertainty. We want to first, send our thoughts and prayers to everyone who is affected […]

Online Family Community with Forever Families

Strengthening marriage and family relationships Forever Families is a non-profit organization that is formed by Jeff McElroy and his wife Debbie. They travel around the world leading marriage, family, and parenting conferences. …with the explicit desire to strengthen marriages and families across the globe. Jeff McElroy, Forever Families Spreading their wisdom to couples and families […]

Network Platform for Organizations for GameChangeAgency

Enhancing connections between professional networks GCA membership is designed to promote purposeful networking, extend career opportunities and amplify brand enhancement for Board Directorships, Advisory Board Appointments, Employment, Media Appearances, Investment Opportunites, In-Person Networking Events, Public Relations, Mentorship, Subject Matter Experts, Discussion Boards, and more. All GCA members carry a certain reputation with them and are […]

Community Central-Hub for uGurus

Helping freelancers dominate the market uGurus is a digital agency coaching and business training company for freelancers. They provide action-oriented training tools, templates, and mentors for their members. We’ve packed 34 years of knowledge and experience into programs that help you grow a 6-figure business. uGurus website Upgrading the platform became a pain With their […]

3 weeks after launch! (Coupon inside)

3 weeks ago, we launched the new BuddyBoss Theme and Platform. The response was so amazing, we couldn’t believe what was happening! Our team had been working on this product for over 2 years. We knew we had built something really awesome, but still, we had no idea how the market would react to it.  […]

Configuring BuddyBoss Platform Features and Components

You have installed the BuddyBoss Platform! (If you haven’t, you can check this article on how to install BuddyBoss Platform) Now, it’s time to configure the BuddyBoss Platform features and components to unlock the full potential of your website. We have prepared tutorial videos discussing each feature and component that you can enable in your […]

Thank You WordCamp US – Nashville 2018

We have finally collected ourselves after the schmoozing, sights, and flights involved in attending WordCamp US 2018 in Nashville as a proud sponsor and we can confidently tell you it was a stellar event! The organizing team and volunteers put on an amazingly smooth experience and didn’t skimp on details. True to the location, there […]